Experimental Interaction Design

Experimental Interaction Design

Course dates:
15 January, 2018 to 26 January, 2018
400 EUR. For students 300 EUR
Fee advantages:
Fee reduction
Application deadline:
Friday, 1 December, 2017
Tallinn University
Tallinn, Estonia

General information

A two-week energetic hands-on workshop in experimental interaction design of web, mobile and specialized hardware user interfaces.

The main goal of the course is to provide participants with basic knowledge in Interaction Design and IT fields, introduce them to the latest trends in the industry and get not only theoretical, but also practical experience by working on developing their own projects. Daily mini-lectures will cover among others interaction design practices, rapid prototyping, usability testing and graphic design.

The lectures are supported with practicums, where groups of 2-4 students develop their own projects under the supervision of course tutors. During the workshop student groups will build their own application prototypes based on their ideas, generated at the beginning of the course. The result is a prototype of either web service, mobile application or tangible device which is aimed on solving some existing design problem (for example, one of the students’ projects was dealing with developing indoor orientation device for people with visual disabilities). Previous group projects can be found here.

The workshop is run by three field-professional entrepreneurs, with background from academia, development, design and business communication.

The main language of instruction is English, but support is also available in Estonian and Russian.


Tallinn Summer School arranges accommodation for foreign participants at student dormitory (5-minutes walk from the university, double and triple rooms)


Online registration form on the website

ECTS accreditation

The course gives 4 ECTS

Contact information
