Certificate in EU Law on Immigration and Asylum

Certificate in EU Law on Immigration and Asylum

Course dates:
5 September, 2014 to 12 July, 2015
Application deadline:
Friday, 8 August, 2014
Université Libre de Bruxelles
Brussels, Belgium

General information

The aim of this programme is to provide its participants with an in-depth understanding of the legal rules on immigration and asylum adopted by the European Union. The courses will also have a comparative dimension and cover the internal laws of the Member States, in particular the way they transpose EU directives. This programme will be of interest to all persons who wish to acquire a special knowledge in immigration and asylum law, for instance civil servants, advocates or persons working for NGOs, and in particular researchers, PhD students and other students, who frequently confront the complex legal dimension of immigration and asylum in their work or studies. 

This programme, which starts on 5th September 2014 and ends on 12th July 2015, is organised in 3 terms. Courses amount in principle to a total of 12 hours spread over a two week period with 4 sessions of 3 hours. The schedule of courses (6 to 9pm on Fridays and 10am to 1pm on Saturdays) enables participants to travel every week by train or even plane.


Hotel accommodation near the campus for the overnight stay in Brussels can be booked by our secretariat at a reduced rate. Participants who decide to live in Brussels for one year will be assisted in finding inexpensive accommodation.


The registration fee is 2500 Euros for student (max 25 years old for this category of fee), 3500 for PhD students or researchers remunerated by a salary or a grant and trainees and 5000 for professionals.
Persons choosing only one specialised module (immigration or asylum) will respectively pay 2000, 3000 or 4000 Euros.
The fee covers all classes, coffee breaks, documentation, university facilities, including access to the private Odysseus library, with the exception of travel, accommodation and food expenses.

ECTS accreditation

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Contact information

you can contact our Network's Office by e-mail : odysseus@ulb.ac.be 

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